The CCSC:MW is pleased to sponsor a K-12 Special Session designed especially for K-12 teachers and administrators, though everyone is welcome to participate. The emphasis of this session is on technologies and approaches that can be used in pre-college classrooms. Example opportunities include:
- learn new languages, and hone skills in current languages
- network with like-minded university computing professors
- take home free books and other resources
- earn continuing-education credit.
The session runs on Saturday from 10am to 4pm, and the $25 registration fee includes the conference luncheon. (Full conference registrants may participate in the afternoon activities with no extra charge.) The morning session is concurrent with the CCSC:MW Conference that includes a presentation that is relevant to both college and K-12 teachers, while the afternoon sessions concentrate specifically on K-12 issues.
If you are interested in presenting a K-12 topic, please see theĀ Call for K-12 Special Session.
Questions regarding the K-12 Special Session may be emailed to:
Cathy Bareiss (
K-12 Session Chair
Olivet Nazarene University